About us

CAQUI: The Journal of Haiku in Brazil

Caqui [ka’kI] is the Portuguese spelling for kaki, the Japanese persimmon, a delicate and delicious fruit, perfectly acclimatized to Brazil, in spite of the deep environmental differences between the two countries.

Like kaki, haiku (whose Portuguese spelling, for historical reasons, is haicai [haI ‘kaI] ) was brought to Brazil once upon a time, and since then has been growing in popularity. Today, so many poets write haicai/haiku in Portuguese, in order to testimony the perfect acclimatization of that Japanese small poetic form to Brazil.

Unfortunately, the CAQUI pages are not still translated to any languages other than Portuguese. If you are interested in receiving information about the haiku in Brazil, please feel free to write us either in English, Spanish, Japanese or even Portuguese. We will be glad to hear your questions and thoughts.

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